Contact Information
Gamal Abd El Naser St, Alexandria, Egypt
Maritime Connect offer maritime consultancy services by a blend of professionals with extensive maritime and legal background to assist vessel
Owners, Managers, traders and Charterers to
evaluate and manage claims, and provide a wide
range of solutions for clients. Our team advises on
contractual terms on all issues relating to charterparties such as:
1. Drafting time and voyage charterparties contracts, contracts of affreightment (CoA).
2. dealing with problems such as breach of contract, loss of profit claims,
unsafe port and berth claims, failure to pay hire or freight by charterers,
3. Closely liaise with clients to Evaluate claims, Make settlement recommendations & Negotiate settlement.
As an Independent Maritime Consulting, our service offerings range from review of a claim to complete maritime claims investigation and settlement.
For consultancy services:
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